PLEASE READ:  Your order is not confirmed until an invoice is sent. It may take up to 7 days for a reply. 
Click here to check unavailable dates for orders! I update it frequently.
Pickup only in east liberty. Prices available via email. 
Please order at least 4 weeks in advance. 
I can only take orders up to 4 months in advance. 
Pickup hours:
Monday-Thurs: after 5 pm
Fridays & Saturdays: 10-2pm

No Sunday Pickups

Message Sent!

I hope to respond within 5-7 days. Your potential order is not confirmed by submitting this order form. We will discuss details when I respond! Thank you for your patience and looking forward to talking to you!


PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania 15206

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Specializing in custom small cakes, confections, and handheld treats. Pick up only! Please allow up to 7 days for a reply. I may not be able to accept every order. 

Made by Marla Mae LLC